
UserForm edit

FirstName Tectura
LastName India
OrganisationName TECTURA
OrganisationURL https://tectura.com/india/microsoft-dynamic-services/solutions/microsoft-dynamics-365-nav/
Profession Digital Marketer
Country India
State India
Address Noida
Location Noida
InstantMessaging (IM)
Email abhibmdu1321@gmail.com
HomePage https://tectura.com/india/microsoft-dynamic-services/solutions/microsoft-dynamics-365-nav/
Comment Tectura is a leading microsoft navision partner specializing in ERP solutions. As a trusted vendor, Tectura leverages the power of Microsoft Navision to improve business processes, improve financial management and drive growth. Their expertise ensures customers benefit from technology integration tailored to their unique needs.
Topic revision: r2 - 30 Nov 2023, TecturaIndia
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