
UserForm edit

FirstName jaskaran
LastName singh
OrganisationName shampoo for dandruff
OrganisationURL https://www.kaya.in/anti-dandruff-shampoo-1.html
Profession shampoo for dandruff
Country India
State delhi
Address new delhi
Location new delhi
InstantMessaging (IM)
HomePage https://www.kaya.in
Comment Welcome to Kaya, where we redefine hair care with a focus on banishing dandruff. Our mission is simple yet profound — to offer a range of top-tier dandruff shampoos crafted for effectiveness and care. Trust us to transform your hair care routine, providing solutions that go beyond flake-deep for a healthier, dandruff-free scalp.
Topic revision: r2 - 18 Jan 2024, JaskaranSingh
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