Book Marketer located in UK, is responsible for ebook marketing services UK to quality audiences. We have highly qualified, skilled, and experienced marketing executives. If you are completed your writing, editing, and publishing, then market your book or novel. They have acquired new market strategies to promote your book or business in a quick time. Through our affordable and reliable book promotion services, we spread your word to desired readers and transform your publication into bestseller.

UserForm edit

FirstName Henry
LastName Arthur
OrganisationName Book Marketer
Country United Kingdom
State London
Address 68 Heath St, London
Location London Lakes, TAS
Telephone 02039301313
InstantMessaging (IM)
Comment As a marketing manager, I’m passionate about introducing our clients to the advertising world of digital marketing.
Topic revision: r2 - 27 Jun 2024, HenryArthur1299
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