
UserForm edit

FirstName Heldiya
LastName heldiyacruz
OrganisationName Gemexi
OrganisationURL Gemexi
Profession Product Manager
Country United States
State New York
Address Washington Pl,
Location New York City
InstantMessaging (IM) Hi, I am Heldiya Cruz, and I have worked as a product manager at Gemexi for the last five years. The Gemexi is a one-stop place to find unique and extraordinary designs of Topaz Jewelry Wholesale, including pendants, rings, earrings, necklaces, and other 200-plus varieties of gemstone jewelry at wholesale prices, and giving exclusive member benefits to our customers with the memorable shopping experience.
Email heldiyacruz@gmail.com
HomePage https://www.gemexi.com/gemstones/jewelry/topaz
Topic revision: r2 - 17 Apr 2023, HeldiyaCruz
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