
UserForm edit

FirstName David
LastName Godfin
OrganisationName Outlook Freeware
OrganisationURL https://www.outlookfreeware.com/en/
Profession Software Developer
Country United States
State Texas
Address 10685-B Hazelhurst Dr.
Location Houston
InstantMessaging (IM)
Email davidgodfin@outlook.com
HomePage https://www.outlookfreeware.com/en/blog/
Comment I'm a software developer for Outlook and Exchange. I've been working in the field of email software development and tech support since 2011.

At my website, you will find useful tips, answers to your questions and easy-to-use solutions: free add-ins and utilities for Microsoft Outlook.
Working with messages, contacts, calendars, tasks, notes and journals.
Export and import, email converters, processing attachments, managing categories, statistics and reports, duplicate removers, backup instruments, mass mail by your own, data extraction, and even more extremely useful productivity tools for every email user.

These productivity apps are developed according to the Outlook users' requests.
Topic revision: r2 - 11 May 2023, DavidGodfin
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