
UserForm edit

FirstName Canterbury
LastName Insulation
OrganisationName canterburynz
OrganisationURL canterburynz
Country New Zealand
State [Select]
Address Unit 4 Ferry Rd, Woolston, Christchurch
Location Christchurch
Telephone 0800220055
InstantMessaging (IM)
Comment Canterbury Insulation is one of the leading insulation. For around 20 years, we have been offering the best service with its top quality service. We specialise in insulating most types of walls and roofs, including soundproof wall insulation, which prevents noise exchange inside and outside your home, creating a calming and welcoming environment. Moreover, we are, committed towards the future of our environment where our products are, sustainably manufactured with high thermal performance. So, send us a request for your requirements, which guarantees peace of mind in your insulation investment.
Topic revision: r2 - 24 May 2023, CanterburyInsulation
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