SOLIS, the third largest tractor manufacturing company in India and the fifth largest globally, is taking Agriculture Technology to a new arena. Empowering over 14 lakh farmers in more than 150 countries, SOLIS has introduced extraordinary innovations to accelerate modern farming and give it a new, upgraded face.

The brand has the world’s Largest Integrated Tractor Manufacturing Plantin Hoshiarpur, Punjab. Providing the best-in-class, customized solutions to farmers across India and 150+ other countries, the plant spans an area of 225,000 sqmtrs.and has a production capacity of producing 300,000 tractors per annum. The fully integrated assembly line has a roll out time of 2 minutes per tractor.

The plant is designed in an environment friendly manner and boasts natural light and ventilation, complying with the industrial safety standards. SOLIS employs latest production technologies on this new production line .

Compact tractors are a big investment for any buyer or farmer, and there are dozens of brands and models in the market to choose from. Before you part with your hard-earned cash and make the decision to buy compact tractor, there’s a lot to consider. If you’re shopping for second hand tractor, figuring out what you need might be a daunting task. And as you know buying a monstrous machine can cost you a fortune. A good compact tractor with a smaller price tag can do the job. Solis is a leading name in this segment manufacturing compact tractors that are built with high-end technology & goes easy on your pockets as well.

Every business has numerous reasons to add new equipment to its fleet whether it’s growth, diversification or simply upgradations. For companies or farmers seeking to add more machines yet unable to swing the cost of purchasing a new tractor, for them second-hand tractor or old tractors for sale continues to be a viable option.

Especially in the lawn care and farming sector, the time to buy old tractors for sale has never been better. The agriculture mechanization has resulted in the growth of new tractor sales and most of those buyers have traded in their previous tractor models. Additionally, because of the growth in this segment, more R&D is being invested into these compact tractors. Not only is this encouraging more sales, but the trade-in opportunity from those sales also creates even more opportunity for consumers seeking newly-traded, second-hand tractor.

SOLIS – Offering *Mini Tractor For Sale * across the globe

SOLIS is among the top 3 tractor selling companies in India and the 5th largest globally. For over 5 decades, Solis tractors have well established its name in the national and international agricultural market. Our experience has honed our expertise enabling us to build tractors at the utmost level of quality for farmers worldwide. With production of 300,000 tractors per year, SOLIS is a frontrunner company in manufacturing tractors and farm equipment in India.

When it comes to farming tractors, the Solis compact series perfectly complements your requirements. Since smaller farms or small industrial tasks require extra efforts and systematic approach, Solis compact tractors deliver the best performance and advanced ergonomics in the fields. Known for their power and efficiency, these tractors are highly productive, economical, and fuel-efficient as well. So, you don’t have to think twice before you buy compact tractor from Solis.

Perfect for hobby or small-sized lawns & farms, this compact yet powerful tractor brings increased productivity and is a dependable performer in every field. The sturdy engine and better transmission amplifies growth & allows you to work efficiently with top-class performance.

This compact tractor adds extra precision to every farming venture with its versatility in all kinds of terrains. The hydraulic power steering helps reduce operational stress and the powerful diesel engine enables smooth operations.

With this plant and its sizeable employee strength, SOLIS is growing at a faster pace and has registered a significant growth in its sales in the last year. Moreover, their in-house engines and transmission hydraulics add to its competence and makes the turn-around time much faster. The plant has the capacity of rolling out tractors ranging from 16 HP to 125 HP in a single assembly line. Fully equipped to manufacture components required in making of a tractor, from sheet metal to the whole tractor, with this plant, SOLIS has conquered yet another milestone in the agri-tech industry.

SOLIS produces same assembly tractors with different colours including Solis Blue and Sonalika Blue besides the colour Orange for 90 HP tractors exported to Myanmar. In collaboration with Japanese farm equipment manufacturer, Yanmar Holdings Co., SOLIS jointly develops tractors in the colour Red, manufactured for markets across the world.

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Topic revision: r2 - 19 Oct 2023, SolisTractor
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