Finding the best bluetooth speakers under 100 is difficult. For the most part, we don't care if a $20 speaker breaks because it was "good enough" at the time. You might even be able to afford to replace it. However, there is no going back once you've spent $100. It begins to resemble an investment more than a phone add-on. Bluetooth speakers under $100 must be exceptional, not just good.

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FirstName peterpar
LastName parker
Country United States
State NY
Address 143 South Border Street New York, NY 10009
Location new york
Telephone 6469803703
InstantMessaging (IM)
Comment Finding the best bluetooth speakers under 100 is difficult. For the most part, we don't care if a $20 speaker breaks because it was "good enough" at the time. You might even be able to afford to replace it. However, there is no going back once you've spent $100. It begins to resemble an investment more than a phone add-on. Bluetooth speakers under $100 must be exceptional, not just good.
Topic revision: r2 - 24 May 2023, PeterparParker
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