
UserForm edit

FirstName Kavisammelan
LastName kavi
OrganisationName Kavisammelan
OrganisationURL https://kavisammelankavi.com/
Country India
State Delhi
Address Delhi
Location Delhi
Telephone 217874767
InstantMessaging (IM)
Email kavisammelankavi0@gmail.com
HomePage https://kavisammelankavi.com/
Comment Tradition of reciting poem is very old in India in form of

Kavi Sammelan

. It is now one of the integral part of indian society to organize kavi sammelan on various event of social and national importance. Kavi Sammelan is very popular event during the festival of holi and dewali.

Kavi Sammelan

Hasya Kavi Sammelan

funny hindi poetry

shambhu shikhar

Topic revision: r2 - 23 Apr 2024, KavisammelanKavi
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