
UserForm edit

FirstName Lara
LastName Watson
OrganisationName Super Leather Shop
Profession Manufacture
Country United States
State Virginia
Address Ashland VA 23005 Virginia, United States
Location Virginia
Telephone 4563217890
InstantMessaging (IM)
Comment I'm Lara Watson, a graphic designer at Super Leather Shop, a leading name in the leather jacket industry. What began as a small leather jacket store has grown to compete with some of the biggest names in the market. My role involves creating visually compelling banners for our website and social media platforms. I also design for various campaigns, where the goal is to create striking visuals that capture the attention of potential customers. Recently, I had the opportunity to design for our Jeff Hamilton Lions Jacket line, ensuring it stands out in our promotions.
Topic revision: r2 - 08 Nov 2024, LaraWatson
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