What skills do you need to become an Data Analyst?

A Data Analyst should possess a variety of both hard and soft capabilities. Data analysis involves obtaining facts from information and then communicating it. The skills of a Data Analyst should be varied with a range of skills from creativity and focus on detail to efficient communicating. The technical skills required to be a successful data analyst form the foundation of all your abilities. In the Data Analyst training must offer hands-on instruction and technical expertise required to work in the field of data.

Find out more about it here, Data Analytics Course in Pune.

Data Analysis: Technical Skills

An analyst in data should possess a range of technical abilities including the ability to use SQL various programming languages, and the ability to visualize data using software.

It is also necessary to master other skills in order to become an expert in Data Analysis. This includes XML markup analytics platforms, such as Google Analytics, Adobe Analytics as well as other. With these four abilities you're on your way towards being a Data Analyst.

What is the most important abilities that Data Analysts need?


SQL which is "structured queries language" is precisely what it implies it is a formal language used that allows you to query structured data like databases. In this sense, querying is giving a computer an instruction to manipulate information. SQL allows users to alter data in various ways, such as changing it or retrieving particular data or subsets of it, determining connections between variables, etc. SQL is an programming language that can be utilized on a range of platforms like MySQL, Microsoft SQL and Oracle.


Excel is more than 30 years old, and has demonstrated that its it's simplicity is beneficial. Excel's simple nature (a spreadsheet that is able to create graphs or calculations through linking data inside its cell) doesn't mean it's not efficient. Excel is the best program to work with raw data, and includes basic visualizations such as bar charts and pie graphs as well as stacked area plots and combination plots. Bubble plots and sparkle lines are also available.

Programming statistics

R as well as Python are two of the most used mathematical programming language. R was designed for analysis and data mining. Python is, while more well-known as a general purpose programming language, which is suitable for data analytics. The two are employed to carry out complex statistical calculations that include regression analysis as well as nonlinear and linear models as well as statistical tests and analysis of time series.

Data visualization

What is the point of identifying meaningful trends in your data when you can't convey the trends? Visualization tools enable Data Analysts to work with complicated data sets and present the data in a logical manner generally by graphs and charts. This can be a daunting task because it requires both science and art. Software that can transform billions of data points into sophisticated visual representations is available through applications such as Tableau, PowerBI and Infogram. These programs can generate easy-to-read and often beautiful, charts of chords as well as heat maps, scatter plots, and many other.

Soft Skills for Data Analysis

There are many soft skills that Data Analysts who want to be successful should acquire along with their technological abilities. They include:

The Mathematical and Numbers The Mind for Mathematical Thinking

An analyst in data should be at ease working with figures. Not just entering numbers into a program however, but also able to comprehend abstract concepts like mathematical modeling and statistics, multivariate as well as univariate analyses, as well as other ways for manipulating data to find pertinent data.

Good attention to detail

The most skilled analysts of data are able to discern what other analysts miss. They have to be precise after they have discovered the issue. It is true that they have to be precise when data crunching, however (perhaps more important) is also how they approach the issue. Computers can't comprehend the purpose behind a vague question. Humans can, however.

Creative and analytical skills

The data is from the business. Are you knowledgeable enough about the business goals to comprehend the ways in which this data could be used? The top Data Analysts know the issues that the business faces as well as the field that it is operating in Know the right questions to ask and the best way to develop innovative solutions. They can spot patterns, trends and connections. They are also able to draw inferences and tests make judgments, draw conclusions.

Communication skills

Diagrams, graphs, and charts are merely one aspect of the overall Solution. To make their research more accessible Data Analysts depend on the ability to communicate both verbally and in writing abilities.

These soft skills can assist these soft skills will allow Data Analysts to work more effectively with developers, managers as well as clients and users. Data Analytics Training in Pune can assist you in obtaining the job you want.

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