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FirstName Oddway
LastName International
OrganisationName Oddway International
OrganisationURL https://www.oddwayinternational.com/
Profession Pharmaceutical Wholesaler and Exporter
Country India
State DL
Address 4216/20, 1 Ansari Road, Daryaganj, New Delhi 110002, India
Location New Delhi
Telephone 9873336444
InstantMessaging (IM)
Email sales@oddwayinternational.com
HomePage https://www.oddwayinternational.com/
Comment Oddway International, a trusted global pharmaceutical wholesaler and exporter with a focus on providing affordable and high-quality medications to patients and healthcare providers worldwide. Our product portfolio includes a wide range of generic and branded medicines, including oncology, hepatitis, HIV/AIDS, Covid, Rheumatology and other life-threatening diseases.
Founded in 2010, Oddway International has quickly become a leader in the pharmaceutical industry by providing reliable, timely, and cost-effective solutions for its clients. The company's extensive network of suppliers and manufacturers allows it to offer a wide range of products.
Our top selling products are: Pirfenex 200mg, Nintedanib 150mg, Rybelsus 14mg, Acaone 100mg, Glenza 40mg, Abirapro 250mg and many more.
For quality medicines at affordable prices - Choose Oddway International, your one-stop solution for all your pharmaceutical needs.
For further details,
Call: +91-9873336444
Email: sales@oddwayinternational.com
Visit: www.oddwayinternational.com
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cover.pngpng cover.png manage 679 K 21 Apr 2023 - 05:52 UnknownUser  
Topic revision: r2 - 21 Apr 2023, OddwayInternational
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